Trading Ratio
1 video = 1 video
1 audio = 1 audio
2 audio's = 1 video
Highlights ( <1 act) = 1 audio
Please include something about trading in your subject line! If you fail to do so your message may be mistaken for spam.
Open to General trades as well as specifically for anything on my wants page.
No "this for that" trades, unless it is in reference to one of my specific wants. Please send me your full list in your email.
I mainly use MEGA links and the occasional GDRIVE link, if i send you a youtube rip that wasn't labeled as such please let me know and i'll let you pick something else.
I'm very flexible and even if you don't have a large list, I can usually find something, so please feel free to contact me!
Let me know what you want to trade for when you contact me. And please be specific! Specify audio/video and include the title of the show and the date.
Please be polite! If you're rude or continually harass me or spam me, I'm deleting your email and will not respond to you. Please give me up to a week to respond and then re-send your email if I do not get back to you after that time.
I have not watched/listened to all of my videos and audios. All cast information/notes are taken from those who I traded with and for the most part, I cannot speak to them.
No YouTube, Vimeo, or other 'streaming' links.
Online trades only. No snail mail.
Your list must have complete dates and cast information. "2007 OBC" or "[show title] w/ [actor]" tells me nothing and will be ignored.
The one who initiates the trade sends their links first.
Please DO NOT assume that I want to trade with you and send me links in your initial e-mail.
NFT means NOT FOR TRADE. These items are listed for my reference only. If you ask for one your email will be deleted.
Please don't re-use my links